Thursday, January 2, 2014


I just finished reading Summer Breeze by Catherine Anderson. This is just one of several books I have read of hers. After I put the book on my shielf, it hit me what that book was all about. Love. I knew along that the 2 characters would end up together, its a book of course. But it was the Love the 2 people shared that made the book. Chatherine catches Love and writes it in such a way that no other author has done. Or maybe its because she's a woman and views it differently than a man, such as Nicholas Sparks. Now do not get me wrong, I like Nicholas Sparks as well. I have read many of his books. But he doesn't catch Love and write it like Catherine Anderson.
In Summer Breeze, Rachel's family is murdered and she lives in terror the man that killed her family will come back for her. She boarded up her house, inside and out. She lived for 5 years in her kitchen. Only one day, her foreman is shot in the back and has to stay in bed for weeks. Her foreman sends a trusted man, Joseph to look after Rachel. Long story short, joseph shows Rachel that she doesn't have to be scared of the outside world and scared to love someone. The story ended with the 2 married and have children.
The point I am making here, is simply ... Love! Joseph loved Rachel no matter of what she was scared of and the two found the greatest gift. To Love and be Loved.
As human beings we all need Love and we all need to be Loved! Love! We all need to be Loved by the ones we Love.
So Love with your hearts open and Love even on cloudy or rainy days. You never know who is looking up to you. Love in the good times and in the bad times. But remember, sometimes Love is simply walking away from those who don't Love you.

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