Saturday, September 14, 2013

Home Remedies, Blog from September 13, 2013

Home Remedies

A Home Remedy is a treatment to cure a disease or ailment that employs certain spices, vegetabbles, or other common items found around your home.

Just some Home Remedies I found are: Aches, for backaches, tooth aches, ear aches, headaches... Allergies, Any kind of bite or sting, Yellow Teeth, Vertigo, Stress, Shingles, Arthritis, Razor Burns, Migraines, Asthma, Bed Bugs, Black Eyes, Blisters, Blood Pressure, Hiccups, Depression, Coughs, Periods, Hot Flashes, Heat Rash, Hemorriods and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. These are just a few.

I will leave the site below.
Hope everyone will enjoy the site.

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