Monday, October 14, 2013

Missing Woman

Brandi Baggett is a sister of a friend of a friend. She is missing. She needs our help. Please keep this young woman in your prayers and remember her face. She belongs with her family, not her kidnapper!
The story is in the following.....

Pitt County lawmen are searching for a man in connection with the disappearance of a woman this morning.

Sheriff Neil Elks says Brandi Baggett is missing and they are concerned for her safety.

Elks says the 22-year-old from Pactolus was last seen around 7:30 a.m., about the same time some of her neighbors on Cattail Court heard a disturbance at the home she shares with her boyfriend.

Paul Ireland is considered an abduction suspect. He was arrested last week for misdemeanor assault on a female and communicating threats. The sheriff says Baggett was the victim in both of those cases.

Elks says Ireland, who is 27, may be driving a faded burgundy single cab truck with North Carolina tag HD-97878. Earlier, the sheriff said Ireland may be in a Ford F-150 truck, but that is no longer the case.

If anyone sees Ireland or Baggett they should call 911.

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