Tuesday, November 5, 2013

God is Good!!

I want to thank God first and more most for my life. I never knew how precious life was. That was until tonight.
I survived something tonight that should have, in so many ways, killed me. Me and mama were in the kitchen and the gas stove blew up right in front of us. A fire ball flew between us, going what seemed like a million miles an hour and never hit either one of us. It happened so fast, that pieces are still coming to me. Thank God, only a few things broke and we have our life. It blew pictures off the wall, shielfs off the wall, blew light bulbs, broke a Scentsy, messed up Georges door and a few glass things here and there. But whats important, me and mama are okay. George was in the shower but was out in no time.
That stove blowing up should have killed me and mama, both. But it didn't. Our time is not up yet. God is not done with us.
In closing, My Blog Friends and Family, count your blessings because you never know just how close to death you are until its too late. Be thankful for what you have and the people you get to love. In the end, that's what matters.
I love all of you!!!

Signed: Blessed!!

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