Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What's Important

Sometimes what's important is worth more than your pride. In fact, what's important is worth more than anything. Some things are just not worth it to other people. Things that become so important it causes you to lose loved ones, its not so imporrtant.
A couple of months ago, myself and a friend quit talking because of something so stupid that now we don't talk at all. I let my pride get in the way of what was most important, my friendship. A friendship that had made it through everything. A friendship that I counted on day to day and sometimes moment to moment. Since then, I have done a lot of self-discovery and thinking. I fiinally decided that now it was important to me to "rekindle" that friendship and make it more stronger than it ever was. Thanks to other friends that know both of us, I'm on the right track. Hopefully, this friendship will still be worth it in the end.
In closing, I want everyone to stop and think about where your pride leads you because pride, itself, will make you do things you never thought you would. Fight for what's worth fighting for. Don't be scard to stand alone. Truth is, right now, in some ways, even I'm standing alone. Don't be scared to make things right. You never know!

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