Saturday, January 25, 2014

Smallest Things

Sometimes the smallest things mean the most.

Spending time with those you love is the most important thing of all. That time, is time nothing or no one can take from you. In this day and time we all live in, that's a pricelss gift. Its something you get to hold onto. The government can't take that from you, friends can't either. No one can. Its your gift for you! Hold it dear to your heart because one day, loved ones will pass on and your going to be left behide.

I've learnt in the few years being away from my earthly father, that life isn't easy. And its up to you to make the best out of every situation. My mother showed me very early that simply being around those that love you is what's important in life. To love and be loved.

Don't allow others to come in and take that joy from your life. Loved ones mean the most. They are the ones that will always be around.

And remember, I Love You!

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