Monday, September 9, 2013

Future & Love

While I sit here tonight thinking of something to say and watching Bicentennial Man starring Robin Williams, I can't help but wonder what the future will be like and the love.
Most people think there isn't much of a future left for America and to some degree, I think they may be right. I see the future as it is in this movie. Everything will be made up of some type of computer. Look around in the today world with all the "tablets" and "smartphones" ... All computer, in some form. Just like "Andrew Martin," from the movie, he is a robot ... a computer.
Andrew finds love, although he is an Android. He spends 200 years loving one woman. Most people don't spend a short lifetime loving one person. The future world will be nothing like it is today. Today, people fall in and out of love like picking socks out of a drawer. Real love, true love, doesn't go away. Love stays. It stays forever, just like with Andrew.
The future world will only love themselves and what they have. They won't be able to love others, let alone, God.
As for me and myself, I will love God. I will love God first and foremost. I will love God through the ups and downs, through the hard and easy times, through everything life throws at me, I will love God.
Will you?

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