Sunday, September 8, 2013

Thanks To My Readers!

Thanks To All Of My Readers!

I wanted to take just a little time and send a huge Thanks to my readers so far.

It has been a full week and I love it. I love being able to share my thoughts and feelings with you, guys. I know its only been a week but I feel like this is what I'm meant to do. So far, I have had so much fun doing this. Researching and writing out the facts and in one case even telling the difference in two different things. I love reseaching and learning just as much as telling you all what I did learn.
High school was not an easy time for me. Reading, Researching and Writing were very difficult for me. Reading was hard enough but then having to research what I just read and writing it all down too ... It was tough. However, thanks to a wonderful teacher I had, Ms. Hardison, (now Mrs. McCombs), showed me that it can be fun and there is so much to learn when you just take time to breathe and slow down, Don't rush through it.
I remember my last day in public school. My head was hurting from all the stress of what was going in school and trying to find a way to tell my mother that I wasn't going back. As I was walking to car, ready to go home, I heard my teachers voice plain as day saying, "Don't give up now, Sam. You have come so far. Don't give up. You can do it. I know you can." I turned around to look at her and she wasn't there. I just smiled and went on to the car, knowing what I needed to do.
I quit public school that day in October, by November I had started Homeschool. By December I was completely caught up and was ahead of my friends in public school. I took my last EOCs that last of the month and graduated by January. I knew I couldn't let my parents down, my brother, my teacher but most importantly, myself.
So for those asking why blogging ... Its simple, really. Your answer ... Why not? :)

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