Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Looking For A Job

Looking For A Job

Looking for a job these days isn't easy. There is nothing out there. If you don't have degrees and/or experience, you don't get anywhere.
People say "keep trying" and "don't give up" but when you are told "no" over and over, it's hard to keep trying and looking.
Just like myself, I have been looking for a job for over 2 years. I finally went on a job interview today. Working for a veterinarian at Northside hospital. I actually went in to fill out an application and he wanted to speak with me. So we went ahead and done the interview then.
Now, once again, I have to wait. Wait for him to decided if I'm best for the job. Wait for a call. Wait. Wait and pray.
I should know something by the of the week. If he doesn't call, I am to call him. Lets see!! God does work in mysterious ways!!

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