Monday, September 23, 2013

Update On Me

Update On Me ...

Sorry to my readers for not writing in a few days. I have been enjoying some time with my mother and brother.
It has been such a blessing for me because I was starting to feel like there was some distance in us. Between the stress at work for mama, the household things around here for me and the yard for George, I was starting to get to a point where I just wanted to scream to the top of my voice and see who heard me. Every once in awhile, we all get to that point where we can't help but wonder if we go through life just breathing and not actually living. We all have to stand back, take a breath and look around. The world is in such a big damn hurry to get to where ever they want or need to go that none of us can stop to breathe. I'm here to tell you now, Breathe because it helps. Stop worrying about what you can't change and start being thankful for it. Somewhere in time, things will change. It happens and life will turn on a dime. So take time for your parents or siblings or just family, talk to them, spend time with them.
But most importantly, stop and take time for you!
Have a wonder night and day My Readers!!! I Love You All!!!!! :)

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