Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Brothers ...

A lot of you are wondering why I haven't wrote or how I am. Truth is, I've been "soul searching" more. Since my healing started, I tried to do everything myself. That was until January of this year. I went to Florida with my grandmother to see family and just relax. While we were there, I got a message from my mother telling me about her car braking down. That was the first time in my life where my life and feelings didn't matter. Me and my grandmother packed our stuff and the car and was gone. I drove from the other side of Tallahassee, FL to Kinston NC in 11 hours. By the time we got home, I knew I had to do what was right for me as well as the ones around me. I had to be thankful and blessed for the ones that were in my life rather than the ones that should have been but aren't.
I had that very thing hit me again not too long ago. I won't post any names but my older brother is just one among the many people in my life that with no reason, left. I went for a while hating him and wishing he would come back, until just a few days ago. I realized that God, for whatever reason, didn't won't my older brother in my life. However, he did have someone else. He turned out to be the husband of a longtime friend. He turned out to be a better kind of brother than what mine could be. So in the long run, I still had an older brother as well as my little brother!
Thank you, guys! Again, I will not post your names, however, you know who you are.

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